Friday, January 11, 2008

Im Saaaaiiiling Awaaaaayyyyy

Yeeeaaaaaa!!! Well, the weather is looking like it is going to cooperate this weekend for some time to go sailing. I plan on sailing the whole weekend again if I can and spending the night on the boat saturday night.

Work has been a little easier as it has calmed down some. Thats good because it was stressing us all out pretty badly. I thought it was just me but our network admin and my friend called me the other night and asked if I was the only one who thought it was just going totally nuts at work. Its friday now, and Im hoping that it will be just nice and quiet today with the occasional issue and leaving me time to get some more important things done. I reeeeaaallly need to clean out our server room/tech bench.

So yea, sailing. Im stoked. There isnt much surf to speak of so thats what Im doing all weekend. Speaking of surf, we have been having a pretty wierd winter this year. Usually this is the time to get decent and frequent surf here in Texas but lately, nothing much has been happening. We've had a few good days dont get me wrong but its been nothing to write home about thats for sure. The water isnt too cold and is hovering around 59F at the moment.

I have been thinking of a vacation with my older brother Cory for the summer. I dont have a lot of time like I used to with the old job so I guess Ill just go somewhere for a week and a half and enjoy it as much as I can. Now that Im making decent money, I have been thinking of dropping some cash on a flight and heading off somewhere, Australia maybe? I just dont want to think about it too much because it depresses me that I dont have the time that I used to.

Ill try and shoot some pics this weekend while we are out on the boat. Have a great weekend!

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