Monday, April 03, 2006

The Awsome Session

This weekend starting with Friday, has pretty much been a huge blur. My older brother came to stay with me this weekend from Mississippi. In all we did our best to consume all the alcohol in the Houston area and I think we did a damn good job! I bought a new board Friday night from a guy on Texas surfing forum I post on. Its a 6'0 fish with a nice swallow tail. The board uses regular fins and right now it is set up as a quadfin. 2 regular fins on the side with tiny finger fins right next to them, no middle fin. The board was shaped by a local Texas shaper and its shape is perfect for the gulf. I took it out Sunday afternoon while the swell was still holding. It was an ok waist to wast+ on sets with the occasional chest high. It was however very clean and super lined up. Water temp was around 70 with air in the high 70's. I got in around 4:30 and surfed my brains out till 7:20ish. I caught more rides ina single session than I ever have (somewhere around 20) and the board is super fun. It works so much better in the waves than my Al Merrick. I had some drama go down on sunday before the sesh and well... it was good to get my head clear in the water. Im still extreamly confused about the whole situation thats unfolding before me, but hopefully things will work out for the best. Weekend outlook has building SE swell again... I cant wait to get on it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was a mega bitch this morning! im sorry!You didnt say nething woring i just had a bad day yesterday!!! LUV YA STILL maybe call you later or something MWAH!!