Friday, October 27, 2006

The news!

Well the bad news is I missed the surf today because I had some work to do at the primary job, no not kinkos :). The good news is I talked to my boss today about me taking off like 2 months next year withOUT pay, and he's pretty much given me the green light.

Now Im on a major saving spree. I have been analyzing the shit out of my accounts and trying to find every place to cut corners, even stopped buying beer. I know, I said I would never do it, but I realized my dreams are much more important than a 6-pack, however good said 6-pack might be haha. I have been plotting out a expenses chart and I have a saving goal set up with my savings account. I need 1800 by next May, and I know I will achieve it with just my tax return but I need that other 1800 for car maint, and I need to buy a little more equipment. I should be purchasing a new surfboard soon in Nov. Im looking at getting a 6'2" Al Merrick Flyer2. Its an all around good small to medium wave board and Im looking to explore more in the realm of smaller machines if you know what I mean.

My goal for next summer is after I return to also try and take as many side trips as I can possibly afford. Im trying to get on with FedEx shipping or Continental Airlines next summer so I should have a better sidejob income and with some flying benefits. I have realized I can also travel, even if its not 1 month in every place I adventure to. Im really thinking of flying to Colombia next summer to check it out because I have a huge obsession with that place even though I have never been. I have just talked to too many people and read to many travel blogs I guess! I would like to take some side trips maybe into europe. GUYS,,,,,, SIGN UP FOR TRAVELZOO.COM NEWS LETTERS! They have stupid cheap deals. For instance, Spirit airlines was running limited route $8 one way trips like 1 week go! Detroit to NYC was like $8 bucks man, you seriously cannot beat that. All these new small airlines are competing like mad for our dollars, and hell, Ill be glad to jump on. I also found some roundtrip Houston to Madrid for $550. WOOOOO! Anyways, Im happy about my news and plans. I neeeeeeeeeeed some good new surf, but Im really and honestly just more excited saving and dreaming of my trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im happy For you :)